I forgot how much I love morning running. Most of my runs have been mid-morning or later, but today I met Knox for an early run around the BC Reservoir and it was gorgeous and peaceful. The first 2.5 miles were relaxed and then I picked it up a bit for the next 1.5 miles with Knox (by "picked it up", I mean "tried to keep up with Knox"). I was feeling the faster pace once Knox and I parted, so I dropped it back to pre-Knox speed and headed home. I could tell I was a little more tired than usual because I felt myself pushing a bit too hard just to maintain an easy pace around mile 5.5, so I stopped running and walked the last 1.5 home. Pro: I feel more energetic after I run, even if I'm just talking shades of tiredness. Con: I can definitely feel round ligament pain from mile 3-4 onward most days. I keep up the pace if the pain (or, more accurately described, tightness) is subtle, but I stopped today as soon as I started to feel more pressure than usual. I planned to go to yoga class immediately following my run but the unplanned walk home cut into my yoga time!
Run: 5.5 miles
Walk: 1.5 miles
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