I'm sure all you runner readers understand what I mean by an "errand run". You know, those runs you can only fit in because you're doing them as transportation to and from other things. Those runs when, sadly, the run itself isn't the main focus. Well, because most businesses don't hold their open hours with my schedule in mind, the only way to get errands done during the weekday is for me to multitask. So, today, I ran from my condo to the gym, cancelled my membership for the time I'll be in China (I'm going to China), ran from the gym to Marathon Sports, picked up desperately needed new Adrenalines, switched shoes, left the old ones at the store, ran from Marathon Sports to Brookline Ballet Studio (my favorite dance studio in the Boston area) to check out any prenatal classes (preggo running mamas: none exist there), ran from there to CVS to pick up more prenatal vitamins, and ran home. Between destinations, I talked to my dad for a few minutes, made 3 work calls, and argued with Harvard Pilgrim (I love armbands and headphones when running - it makes it so much easier to work and run on these types of days). I only had an hour to fit in these errands, so the run itself was only about 3.5 miles. Still, it was a good use of time, the temperature read 49 degrees, and the sun was shining. Can't complain! Now I'm settling in for a long night at the office (a colleague just dropped an unopened box of chocolates on our conference table - the night is looking better and better!).
Run: 3.5 miles
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