Thursday, March 22, 2012

24 weeks, 5 days

Today was a lovely wet day in Xi'an. The rain kept people indoors, so I ran a few miles on the Gaoxin track before lunch. I'm finding it a bit harder to run this week than last week given that I'm working more (I took it easy last week work-wise). So, I had time for about 4 miles and a good stretch before lunch. I'm really looking forward to Boston running again. It's challenging to use running as a way to see the city here because the streets are just so crowded that I'd have to stop to walk or pass people every few seconds (Bostonians: think Newbury on a sunny June afternoon, but filled with people who never expect to see runners on the sidewalk). I'm also struggling to love running here, given that the air isn't great, meaning that it makes my throat a bit scratchy and my eyes a bit itchy. Since it's coming to be Spring, there are lots of people hosing the greenery. Problem is, I think they use sewer water to hose the plants, so everything smells a little funky. It could be that my pregnant nose is the culprit, not the water, but whatever the reason, I prefer to stay off the roads right now and stick to the good ol' track.

Run: 4 miles

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