Wednesday, April 25, 2012

29 weeks, 4 days

Well, today just kept getting more and more packed. I needed to get to work early, so I didn't run this morning. I was finally able to run at around 8 pm, but only for 3 miles because I needed to get back home for some unexpected work. I found out yesterday that I was nominated for the 2012 Ernest Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty. Super cool. Super big load of work. The deadline for the award is this Friday. I will be on planes tomorrow for most of the day, so I can get a good 9 or so hours of work on the application done then, but the application will require at least double that amount of work, I believe. I need to get my portion of it done by Friday afternoon so my nominator can use it to get his/her portion done. Whew. So, I'm now settling in for a long night of writing, which might be pretty hilarious because I'm useless after 10 pm work-wise these days.

Below is me wearing my super duper amazing belly support band. I don't care how it looks - it feels sooooo good!

Run: 3 miles

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

29 weeks, 3 days

I met Luke for a great 5 miler this morning. He entertained me with tales from his weekend trip to Michigan and I basked in the joy of having company on one of my runs. I ran to the gym to meet him and then the two of us did the PU loop around the Charles River. Everything felt wonderful - likely because of the day off yesterday! I ended the session with some light lifting and lots of foot rolling.

Run: 5 miles
Lift: Upper (light)

29 weeks, 2 days

Day off!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

29 weeks, 1 day

Ran a 5 miler in the pouring rain. It felt wonderful. A little chilly, but still felt great. I wish the weather was a little nicer so I could have walked a bit more, but the cold rain kept me jogging and pushed me inside pretty quickly. I'm still feeling tired - super tired - but I think that might not just be because I'm anemic. It is getting a little bit harder to sleep these days. Perhaps that is a contributor? Last night, we had our annual Margaret Bradley Award Reception, which was lovely. We honored Victoria Barnaby, this year's recipient, who will be racing the Steeplechase on Thursday night at Penn Relays. Can't wait to see how she does!

Run: 5 miles
Prenatal Yoga: Shoulder and chest opener

Saturday, April 21, 2012

29 weeks

Whew! I love weekend running. There is so much more time to focus on just being outside.... This morning, I ran 3 miles to meet S over at Jamaica Pond and then we ran 2 miles over to the Arboretum. We met T and the pup for a nice walk through the Arboretum, which was totally gorgeous - everything was in bloom, people were in good spirits, the sun was shining... I wasn't as tired today as usual - S timed the last 2 miles and we were at around 9:20 pace, which is embarrassingly slow but I just don't care at all :-) My IT band on both sides was tight - perhaps from the massage yesterday, perhaps from a lower week of running/stretching. I'll keep an eye on it. I foam rolled as soon as I got home - both legs and racketball rolled my PFs.

Run: 5 miles
Walk: 7 miles

Friday, April 20, 2012

28 weeks, 6 days

Well, today I was a little tired, despite the lower mileage this week. I went out for a run, did 1 mile, and called it a day. But, I'm excited to see what a relaxed weekend brings. Hopefully, when I can sleep a bit more and work a bit less, I'll be able to focus on running more. I ended the day with a much needed Swedish Massage at Isis with Kat. If I believed in miracles, I would think she is the ultimate miracle worker!!! Walking home, my back, shoulders, and hips felt so much better than they have felt over the past few weeks.

Run: 1 mile
Lift: Upper

Thursday, April 19, 2012

28 weeks, 5 days

Another easy 3 miler around Newton. Followed by prenatal yoga. Felt less tired today than I have in a few days.

Run: 3 miles
Prenatal Yoga: Hip opener video

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

28 weeks, 4 days

Ran an easy 3 miler around Newton to start the day. Felt nice and easy. I didn't want to stop - which is a very good sign!

Run: 3 miles

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

28 weeks, 3 days

Okay, I'm ready to admit defeat for the week. Not for the next 2.5 months... just for the week. I went out for a run today, got a mile in, and just straight up stopped. I am wicked tired. So, rather than try to push hard through this tiredness, I'm setting a limit goal - only 3 miles/day until Saturday. On Saturday, I can try to go a bit further if I'm feeling good. Tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday = only 3 miles, no matter what. I'll supplement with prenatal yoga and lifting. Think of all the extra free time I'm going to have!!!

Run: 1 mile

Monday, April 16, 2012

28 weeks, 2 days

Happy Anniversary to me! Today marks 5 years of having my one and only real running injury! Over the past 5 years, I’ve had countless doctor’s appointments and diagnoses, been on and off crutches, enjoyed cortisone shots to my foot, received who knows how many MRIs.... The list goes on and on. About a year ago, I was put in touch with a very smart man who was able to diagnose the many things wrong with my foot in just a few short minutes. It was a wonderful day.

I believe I might now be injury free. Every day, I still roll my plantar with my trusted 9 year old racketball to massage away aches and pains. That is the only maintenance I’ve been doing for the past few months, however, and my foot is feeling fine... even with the added weight of baby girl. So, I’m excited to see what this year may hold for my training, once I’m back to actually training again.

Today is also Boston’s coolest (oooohhh, bad descriptor for today) event - THE BOSTON MARATHON. I’ve run this race a handful of times, each time with a subpar performance. But, the experience is unlike any other marathon - if you haven’t tried it yet and you’re a distance runner, you might want to consider it! Running it is definitely a way to create a memory, that’s for sure. The crowds are wild.... runners are kind... support staff/volunteers are amazing... the whole event is a great celebration of running. Today is wicked hot (84 degrees at mile 24). So hot that almost all of our runners probably adjusted their time goals prior to the race. Having said that, I'm guessing we'll have some disappointed runners on our team over the next few weeks. From a spectator standpoint, I can't even describe how inspiring it was to see my teammates labor by at mile 24. They're all amazing. Sometimes it's so hard to see the awesomeness of what you're doing when you're so focused on a predetermined time...

My own workout today? Just a 3 mile run with a 1 mile walk at the end. Ran around Brookline and the Muddy River.

Run: 3 miles

Sunday, April 15, 2012

28 weeks, 1 day

After resting all morning (which felt sooooo good), I went for a run/walk around the Muddy River, Olmsted Park, and Jamaica Pond. I jogged the first mile, felt sluggish, and then walked the second mile. I started jogging again the third mile and held a very relaxed pace around Olmsted Park and Jamaica Pond. People were out in droves... I think the combination of 75 degree sunny weather and marathon weekend had the whole city out and about. As soon as I hit the 6 mile mark of the run, I slowed to a walk. I ended the run/walk at the local Creperie, guzzled down my favorite soy smoothie, and walked home. Luke was already over - and I think he could tell I was just totally wiped out. I don't know if it this whole anemia business, me being out in the sun for 2 hours, just finishing a run, being pregnant, or what, but I wasn't even making sense in our conversation at one point. Luke just smiled at me (in a "I feel sorry for you but this is entertaining for me" kinda way) and took off. So, I ordered some Naked Pizza, loaded with spinach and other veggies, watched a movie, and am now heading out for a little walk.

Run: 5 miles
Walk: 3 miles

Saturday, April 14, 2012

28 weeks

Well, the belly support belt is amazing. I got it in the mail yesterday and ran in it today for the first time. My tummy felt so much more supported (obviously) and I didn't feel a constant urge to pee. Everything felt a little more secure. I'm so grateful that L recommended this belt to me and that it came so quickly in the mail. So far, I feel the same amount of moderate tiredness when I run - I've only been taking 2 iron supplements a day for 3 days now, so that could be why. But, perhaps I'll just feel moderately tired when I run for the next 2.5 months. Regardless, I'm not worried about it. I'm just happy I'm still running.

I slept in until 8 am!!!!! So, given that, combined with the need to eat immediately and take care of a few things around the house, I didn't leave myself enough time to run more than 3 miles before my friend picked me up for our childbirth class. So, today's run was the 3 mile Muddy River loop. I did leave myself enough time to lift my upper, which felt nice. I topped off the day with some prenatal yoga... very relaxing. 

Run: 3 miles
Lift: Upper (light)
Prenatal Yoga: Shoulder and Chest Opener

Friday, April 13, 2012

27 weeks, 6 days

I began my day with a gorgeous run around the Charles River. These pictures don't do the river justice - partially because I take them on my iPhone as I'm running and partially because NOTHING can do the river justice on days like today. All the trees were blooming, the sun was glistening off the water, the city was slowly waking up. It was stunning. The day only got better. Post run, I had a successful work morning traveling around to different schools in the area for site visits, followed by lunch with a good friend, coffee with a different good friend, and a date with another good friend to watch our mutual good friend dance in a fundraiser for one of the local Boston public schools. All in all, a fantastic Friday.

My hips were a little sore today! Must have been from the yoga. That's great news... means it's working!

Run: 5 miles
Walk: 3 miles
On the Charles, Memorial Dr. side, looking toward downtown

Same spot, just a few steps ahead

Thursday, April 12, 2012

27 weeks, 5 days

Alrighty, today was a good solid work day. I had about an hour to run between work and heading to a friend's house, but it was pouring outside when I left my office to run and I was at work, meaning that the ocean wind was whipping hard rain at everybody. So, I scrapped the running idea, which I can do because I'm pregnant! Clearly, if I were actually training, I would absolutely run. After visiting a friend, picking up Luke from work, and eating dinner at home, I began my new routine of prenatal yoga. I think I'll try to do it every other day, as it isn't strenuous, and it is super soothing. Today, I did a hip opener routine (which is a bit of a challenge for us runners). My hips will likely be a bit sore tomorrow, but I suppose it is good training for the main event, eh? I got a good tip from a friend today on absorbing iron effectively - so I'm going to start eating my iron rich foods with acidic food (thank you, OB). Today was day 2 of double the iron supplement and day 2 of beef. I made a delicious stew yesterday but, between my beef binge and brother Luke's appetite, we've already gone through the whole thing!

Prenatal Yoga: Hip opener video

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

27 weeks, 4 days

We're in problem-solving mode. First, per a friend's recommendation, I purchased a support belt for running. Hopefully, this belt will help running feel a little less uncomfortable over the next 2.5 months. Second, I discovered why I've been feeling so tired - I'm "severely anemic", said the Dr this morning. Now, I think this language is a little too drastic - I asked for details, and from what I can tell, I'm anemic, and certainly not to an insignificant degree, but "severely" sounds so.... well... dramatic! I wasn't anemic prior to being pregnant, but became anemic toward the end of the first trimester and started taking an iron supplement accordingly. Apparently, my levels have dropped a bit more, so all I need to do is take a second iron supplement each day and beef (haha, get it) up my diet a bit. I haven't been eating much red meat at all, so I threw a bunch of meat into the slow cooker early this morning for dinner. That, plus a few more leafy greens, should do the trick each week. I have been feeling a little breathless here and there, but I thought that was just regular pregnancy stuff. Same with feeling a bit dizzy. But, the most annoying evidence to support this whole anemia thing has been how tired I've been feeling when running. So, I'm thinking that I'll be feeling GREAT in about a week with my support belt and extra iron. Third, in an effort to find out how to behaviorally decrease my tiredness, I tried something new today. Yesterday, I tried not running much at all (well, if you read the last post, you'll notice I ended up basically not running). I felt as tired yesterday and other days in the recent past. So, today I tried the opposite. I did an 8.5 mile loop and ran 7.5 miles of it. I ran them slowly and rather uncomfortably (reference problem #1), but I'm glad I did something. Let's see how the rest of the day plays out. All I have on the agenda is afternoon coffee with a friend and late afternoon/evening writing (mid manuscript - a very exciting manuscript - hard to stop writing) so it might be hard to get too tired. Fourth, since stopping dance classes, I've been getting less and less flexible. So, I suppose it's time for some prenatal yoga. I'll start that routine tomorrow. I'm looking forward to starting up hip hop again in the summer. On that note, I think I am carrying a little Rapper's Delight - since Brad is gone, basically the only music baby girl hears is oldies (20% of the time) and rap/hip hop (80% of the time). I think I'm feeling extra little kicks and nudges when my rap tunes are playing, but, of course, that could be me just wishing she comes out a little rapper!

Run: 7.5 miles

27 weeks, 3 days

Today, I felt tired. I knew I wouldn't run much, so I only left myself about 30 minutes to run before I had to shower to get to work. When I left my place, I ran into a neighbor and we used 27 of those 30 minutes to chat. So, I had 3 minutes before I absolutely had to get in the shower. Since I knew I'd be sitting for the next 12-13 hours, I made use of those 3 minutes and did a very quick loop around the block. Clearly, this move doesn't count as exercise, so today will have to be a day off. Tonight was a pretty killer night, though. I had a work event - the Boston Scholar Athlete's first annual gala. This organization provides academic services to student-athletes within the Boston Public Schools. I created a partnership with BSA two years ago in which school counseling students at UMass Boston volunteer their time tutoring and supporting the Boston Public kids. So, I was a guest at this gala. The program serves over 4000 student-athletes and about 200 were at the gala representing BSA. The guests were all high rolling donors or higher education affiliates/partners. Brother Luke is a zone facilitator for the organization, so he worked the event and was spotlighted on stage with the rest of the zone facilitators. Mayor Menino, among other people, gave a little speech about the importance of athletic involvement as it relates to academic achievement. I wish my tenure committee could have been there!! All in all, a great night. I was told I look like I'm about to pop by 2 different people. It makes me wonder what I'll look like in 2 months!

Monday, April 9, 2012

27 weeks, 2 days

It is clear that my mileage is dropping, despite the reasonable amount of time I have to devote to running right now. I don't know if this is the beginning of the inevitable running decline, or if this is just a week of more discomfort than usual. Baby girl is growing, I think, by leaps and bounds. I know this is about the time for a growth spurt, and I am definitely feeling the added weight. I might need to start running with a pregnancy belt pretty soon.

So, today I just did a run/walk gig around the Muddy River, running when I felt okay and walking when my belly felt really tight. I finished with some light lifting at home.

Run: 3.5 miles
Lifted: Upper (light)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

27 weeks, 1 day

T and I went to Walden Pond today to run with the usual group! It was fantastic. The trails felt so nice. The group ran us back to the parking lot after about 45 minutes and then continued on their way to a 2 hr run, while T and I went for a relaxing walk to see Thoreau's cabin site while we waited for them. Nothing hurt, everything felt pretty easy, and I loved running with the big group. We finished the run off with a yummy breakfast together! Now, onto lunch plans with friends!!

Run: 5ish miles (moderately hilly trails)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

27 weeks

One thing I really DON'T like doing is setting an alarm on a weekend morning. But, one thing I really DO love doing is running wicked early. So, today, I sacrificed a bit of sleep for a relaxing early morning run around the Charles River. I was enjoying myself so much that I thought I'd try a bit of a tempo run, pregnancy-style (which means an embarrassingly slow pace became slightly less embarrassingly slow for a couple of miles). It felt nice to turn my legs over a bit. I don't know what pace I ran, but I do know that my overall pace was 8:32, so I'm guessing my first and last miles were slightly slower than that and my middle miles were slightly faster. I could still talk the whole run, if I needed to, and my heart rate was still below 150, so I felt fine moving a bit quicker.

The Lowell track meet was today. I remember racing the 1500 at this meet 2 years ago. I led a workshop at a Coaches Clinic in the morning on how coaches can use positive self-talk with athletes and then drove over to the meet. I remember trying out the positive self-talk during the race and loving the experience. I didn't run any special time, but I had some fun doing it. Hopefully, next year, I'll be able to run it again :-)

Today has been spent with good friends so far ... and tonight brings a going away party for 2 very close friends. So, all in all, a good day!

Run: 4.5 miles

Friday, April 6, 2012

26 weeks, 6 days

Luke and I covered 5.5 miles, but we only ran 4.5 miles of the loop. It was a beautiful, sunny Spring day so we just took our time on the trails around Olmsted Park. I've felt a little more uncomfortable running this week than I did last week, but that could be for a variety of reasons. Also, because it takes so long to run these days, I'm not fitting in as much during the week as I'd like to fit in. So, I'm finding my weekend runs to be longer and much more fulfilling than my weekday runs. Today's run, however, felt a bit like a weekend run since I started it at 11 am and totally took my time. For the rest of the day, I'll look forward to lunch with Luke, a little bit of work, and then dinner with some lady friends!

Run: 4.5 miles

Thursday, April 5, 2012

26 weeks, 5 days

Another stunning spring day! I ran around the Muddy River, listening to the Beach Boys most of the way. What a great way to start the day. Finished with light lifting.

Run: 4.5 miles
Lift: Upper

26 weeks, 4 days

I had 45 minutes from the end of an admissions meeting to the time I needed to pick up brother Luke from English High School, so I got in a little run around the boardwalk. I almost made it to the beach, but my much slower pace had me traveling a much shorter distance than usual. The highlight - I was stretching about a mile in and an old man who was shuffling by gave me a fist pump and line of praise! It was so motivating. That, combined with the gorgeous ocean view and the sunny afternoon, made me wish I had more than 45 minutes to run... but, alas, that's what happens sometimes when I leave my run until the end of the day.

Run: 3.5 miles

26 weeks, 3 days

Day off today. I had a sleepover with a pal last night that ended with a 1:30 am bedtime.... so, sleep beat morning run. Sadly, I didn't have time to run later in the day until about 10:45 pm, and that just didn't happen!

Monday, April 2, 2012

26 weeks, 2 days

One of the great parts of running while pregnant is that I can just run as far as I feel like on any given day. There is no need for a prearranged training plan. So, today, I only felt like running 3.5 miles. So I did. It was lovely. The slight drizzle was refreshing and softened the Muddy River path even more than usual, so that was great on my joints. I ran the short Muddy River loop and ended with some light lifting (light because I didn't lift at all while in China and I used last week as a transition week back to my regular routine).

Run: 3.5 miles
Lifted upper (light)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

26 weeks, 1 day

I started the day with a great run around the Charles River with my friend, M. Awesome conversation, great weather, and beautiful scenery. Completed a 4.5 mile loop, probably ran 4 miles of it. Finished with a yummy brunch date with K and MB!

Run: 4 miles