Sunday, August 24, 2014

31 weeks, 1 day to 32 weeks

Blogging about exercising while pregnant is so boring right now... largely because I think about how readers will experience my posts. Essentially, there is just more of the same... 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical, followed by weights sometimes. Running is uncomfortable, so that's out the window for the foreseeable future. Perhaps, once the temperature drops a bit, I'll get back outside for some early morning runs, but I'm just sweaty and uncomfortable trying to run during the summer these days. So, there's not much to write. Every once in awhile, I think, "I'll post a belly pic," and then something happens in the day to interfere and I go to bed and the next day begins. So, perhaps I'll just do weekly updates unless there is something noteworthy. In the spirit of the blog's origin (to tell one preggo athlete's story on exercising), the take away message is: This athlete continues to work out. Running is uncomfortable in the heat with an additional 30lbs. I love my gym. Let's get this baby outta here so I can go back to training. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

31 weeks

We have a sick baby. It's a bummer given that she rarely gets sick so she doesn't really know how to handle it. So, I squeezed in a 45 minute gig on the elliptical between viewings of Springtime with Roo and The Blustery Day. Until early this morning, I had an appreciation for Winnie the Pooh. Now, I hate everything about it.

Elliptical: 45 minutes

*Packed our hospital bag and Zoey's overnight bag today... just in case :-)

30 weeks, 6 days

We had an active day today - lots of walking around at the farm and around our neighborhood. I brought Zoey to the gym with me today so Brad could do some home improvement projects.  I'm still having regular contractions, but they're painless and don't interfere with life, so I'm just moving onward.

Elliptical: 1 hour, 20 minutes

30 weeks, 5 days

I just love the gym. Today, I did another 60 minutes on the elliptical with my fantastic support system over at our local gym. Really, the women there are strong, fit, and accepting, while the men haven't said one word about my working out at 31 weeks pregnant. No judgment. No weird looks. Nothing. It's great. I had one thumbs up from a woman once, but she didn't interrupt my workout, didn't ask any details, and just kept walking. It was wonderful.

Elliptical: 60 minutes

Thursday, August 14, 2014

30 weeks, 4 days

An easy hour on the elliptical today while watching FNL - my all time favorite FAVORITE favorite show! We're back in the swing of Concord life after our Michigan vacation, with some friend time yesterday and lots of family time as a little unit of 3. I'm having pretty regular contractions, but they don't exceed 4/hr so I'm free to go about my business still.

Elliptical: 1 hour

Massive Update

Well, I enjoyed some vacation time in Michigan, which means I also enjoyed some much needed screen vacation time from my computer, hence, the blogging void. At this point, my exercising goes one of two ways each day:

1. One great hour on the elliptical, followed by a lifting session
2. One hilarious and sad attempt to run for 3 miles

In Michigan, I ran. Zoey could be with family. Running takes less time. The dirt roads are nice. Etc. But, we arrived back in town 2 nights ago and I'm thrilled to be back to the elliptical. I can work out harder, smarter, and with more enjoyment, actually.

I've had a few Dr. appointments since I last blogged. All is well. Baby measured yesterday at 4 lbs, 1 oz, which is the 81st percentile at this stage. So, we're looking good. The Dr. said he'd be pleased for me to keep this baby in for another 2 weeks, so that's what we're aiming for at a minimum. I'm not sure exactly HOW to do this, but I send her nice little messages every day to stay put for awhile. Perhaps that'll do it.