Wednesday, April 16, 2014

At it again... 13 weeks, 1 day + 13 weeks, 2 days

Since news got out that I'm expecting, I've had more than a few requests to revive the training-while-preggo blog. After the last pregnancy, I received a stream of feedback from people who also trained while pregnant, or who were conflicted about it, who enjoyed following my story. Now, after trudging through the first trimester of the second pregnancy, I am really excited to be able to dial up my running a little bit and even happier to share that journey with other women. To that end, welcome back for a few more months of real, honest, not-so-pretty pregnant running updates!

13 weeks, 1 day
Run: 3 miles easy (similar to the last pregnancy, I started the second trimester with minimal running and am building up the mileage slowly)

13 weeks, 2 days
Elliptical: 60 minutes (on days when I have Zoey and it's raining out, I head to the gym)

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