Sunday, July 20, 2014

26 weeks, 6 days and 27 weeks

26 weeks, 6 days
Easy 50 minutes at the gym on the elliptical while daycare Wendy taught Zoey how to string toys on a shoelace.

Elliptical: 50 minutes

27 weeks

Well, today was a bit of a bust. To say this pregnancy changes day-by-day is totally an understatement. Some days, I'm so eager to exercise and my body responds. Other days, I want to exercise and my body isn't having it. Today was the latter. So, after 15 minutes of uninspired cycling, I called it a day. Exercise bust. On the flip side, however, we're making ground in every other aspect of life today. Brad is almost done with the plaster repair in one of the girl's rooms. I scheduled our housekeeper for the next few months. We lined up some babysitting gigs so we can plan on a few date nights. I finished a report for work. Brad finished his grad school readings for the week. Blah blah blah. Still, it's nice to feel productive in some parts of life. We're having a visit with some friends later this afternoon, so I'm going to maybe go for a little walk before they come over. Besides that, we'll enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon.

Day off

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