Yesterday, post run, I was a little nervous that my stitches would bother me throughout the day, which is what has happened every other time I've tried to run over the past month. But, thankfully, we're allllll goooooood! No pain with my stitches. No problems whatsoever. So, I went back out for another run today. I kept it short again - same loop as yesterday. If all feels well tomorrow, I'll go a bit longer. One of the complicating factors is cute little Zoey's schedule. She feeds every 2 hrs and it takes her about 45 minutes to feed. Since I'm breastfeeding, that means I have a Zoey attached to me pretty much every other hour. So, it gives me about 1 hr between feedings to exercise. The thing is, I also have to breast pump since Zoey doesn't have a huge appetite. So, that takes about 20 minutes. But, I only have to do that every few hrs. So, I need to find that critical time during the day when I have 1 free hour, Brad can stay home with Zoey, and we don't have a doctor's appointment or some other responsibility on deck. As soon as I find that hour, I'm out the door (build in time to change and to shower post run).
Run: 3.3 miles
Walk: 3 miles
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