Friday, April 6, 2012

26 weeks, 6 days

Luke and I covered 5.5 miles, but we only ran 4.5 miles of the loop. It was a beautiful, sunny Spring day so we just took our time on the trails around Olmsted Park. I've felt a little more uncomfortable running this week than I did last week, but that could be for a variety of reasons. Also, because it takes so long to run these days, I'm not fitting in as much during the week as I'd like to fit in. So, I'm finding my weekend runs to be longer and much more fulfilling than my weekday runs. Today's run, however, felt a bit like a weekend run since I started it at 11 am and totally took my time. For the rest of the day, I'll look forward to lunch with Luke, a little bit of work, and then dinner with some lady friends!

Run: 4.5 miles

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