Thursday, May 3, 2012

30 weeks, 5 days

More wogging! I chose to sleep a little more this morning and go straight in to work, so I didn't run until I left the office around 7 pm. I walked/ran around the ocean perimeter at work, hopped on the train to avoid Dorchester Ave, and got off at the Boston Commons to run the rest of the way home. I am definitely feeling tired when I'm running. I go into each excursion with the hope that I can run the whole thing without pushing too hard, so you can see how well that is turning out!! It feels so great to have run, but not great while running. I'm going to keep up the wogging as much as possible. I think I'm going to have to join a gym tomorrow so I can do some cross training and more weight lifting.

Wog: 7.5 miles (run=3.5 miles, walk=4)


  1. Maybe try some swimming if you can get to a pool....

  2. Yeah, I agree. Only problem is that the pool hours at the closest gym (other than the BU gym, which I don't want to belong to right now - too many 19 year olds there) aren't compatible with my work hours. Otherwise, swimming would be perfect. If I end up being a bit more flexible work-wise come June, I'll hop into the pool. In the meantime, I'm going to do much less fun, but more convenient, stuff!
