Tuesday, May 22, 2012

33 weeks, 3 days

Another day of pouring rain! I walked to the gym, put in an hour on the arc machine, and walked home. Boring exercise day but got the job done.

Arc machine: 60 minutes


  1. Have you been getting any unsolicited comments, especially when lifting? Sounds like you are keeping up a great routine!

    1. Oohhh good question... No unsolicited comments yet (except for positive ones) but I anticipate some are going to come my way when I'm lifting. It just takes one brave person to speak up to me - I have my kind but firm response all ready! The gym I got to seems pretty progressive and is mainly full of athletes (or, so it looks), so I wonder if the people who work out there have a somewhat similar approach to exercise as I have... Regardless, you should see me lifting - I'm pretty sure I lifted more this morning gardening than I lift at the gym. Can't wait to really exercise again!!!
