Monday, February 20, 2012

20 weeks, 2 days

Hmm... not a great day for running. I wasn't all that interested in running this morning, but I couldn't tell if the lack of interest was due to tiredness or laziness. About 1.5 miles into my run, I had my answer. I felt like I was running underwater with weights tied to my legs. Since I've decided there is no reason to torture myself throughout this pregnancy, I decided to shuffle home instead of forge onward. Once home, I lifted upper body and called it a day. Now, time to get ready for cooking night with Sara and Christy!

Run: 3 miles
Lifted: Upper


  1. Gosh I know what you mean not knowing whether it's fatigue or the "I don't wannas" (In Japanese, I don't want to is called "yada"...incidentally, the "terrible twos" are also called the "yada yada ages"! But those are cute yadas :])
    Good for listening to your bodies! Hope dinner was delicious :)

    1. Interesting connection!!! Agh, I hate not knowing - you have to actually start running to figure it out (at least, I do). Most of the time, it's the "I don't wannas", but they turn into "more, more" once I start!
